The Future of Cryptocurrency – how cryptocurrency works, where it will lead us in the future, and understanding the upcoming changes in our financial system.

October 7, 2021


Support levels are formed when there is a lot of purchasing pressure in a certain price zone, but they can also be generated by large purchase walls that make it difficult for the price to drop much more.
October 5, 2021

What Exactly Are Stonks?

The phrase "stonks'' is a deliberate misspelling of the word "stocks" and is frequently used to mock a specific stock or the stock market in general.
October 4, 2021

What Is Trading Strategy? A Comprehensive Guide

A trading strategy is a process of purchasing and selling investments in a systematic manner. When making trading decisions, a trading strategy is based on specified rules and criteria.
October 1, 2021

Long, Short, Bullish, and Bearish Definitions

If you're a novice trader who's just starting out, you'll come across phrases like long, short, bullish, and bearish.
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